
Website development

Develop simple to dynamic web pages using tools that would meet business requirements. Building, hosting, and project deployment such as blogs, e-commerce, social media plugins like Google reviews and Facebook business page.

Application development

Integrate features and develop custom web application to tailor your organization's requirements such as Identity Access Management, portals, dashboards, API's, and database applications for your platform.


  • Frontend: React | Next, Vue3, Angular2
  • Backend: .NET, Node, NestJs, PHP, Laravel, Spring Boot
  • CSS| SCSS: Bootstrap, Material UI
  • Database: RDBMS (SQL)
  • CMS: Wordpress.org | Drupal 8
  • Mobile: Flutter
  • Server: Ngnix
  • Cloud: AWS
  • Utility: Docker, Kubernetes


  1. Trivia night v.1 - mobile app(Flutter, Trivia API)βœ…
  2. Smart Pet Tracker v.1 - webapp + IoT(.NET, NextJS, Material UI, PostgreSQL, NextAuth, Google Maps, Twilio, Arduino MKR NB1500) 🚧
    1. Track pet's location
    2. Monitor pet's movement
    3. Read sorrunding temperature
    4. Battery management
    5. CMS for users and pets
    6. Portal
    7. Single sign-on
    8. Geofencing Alerts (v2)
    9. Subscription Based Model (v2)
  3. MechanicPro - webapp /Desktop app(upon request) (Spring Boot, React, PostgreSQL, Material UI) 🚧
    1. Appointment scheduling
    2. Tracking service maintenance task
    3. Managing customers and vehicles
    4. Notifications
    5. Reports and Analytics
  4. My golden retriever litter Newsletter (Node, Bootstrap5, MailChimp API) βœ…
  5. Personal blog v.1 (Node, MongoDB, auth0, tinyMCE, S3 storage, Bootstrap 5)version 1 βœ…
    • WYSIWYG editor βœ…
    • Admin panel βœ…
    • Dashboard 🚧
  6. Salon feedback and dashboard - (React, NestJS, Postgres, Power BI)
    1. NPS and CSAT Dashboard - Power BI βœ…
    2. In-prem mobile app including hardware βœ…
    3. Client app + Website (Tablet) Pending
    4. Backend βœ…
  7. ToastMasters Timing Report v.1- mobile + web app (React, Typescript, Node, PostgreSQL, Google Speech-to-Text API, WebSocket, Power BI) 80%
    1. Portal βœ…
    2. Record and monitor speakers performance βœ…
    3. Manage meeting details βœ…
    4. Manage Users βœ…
    5. Reporting βœ…
    6. Dashboard🚧
    7. Uhm/Ah counter (v.2)🚧

Get in touch

If you want to learn more about me.

Please send me a message to discuss about your awesome project.

Email me